
Bonaire Celebrates International Women’s Dive Day

Boneiru Ta Selebra Dia Internashonal Di Buseo Pa Hende Muhe

On July 15th, Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) in partnership with Dutch content creator, Kiki Multem, and one of the top 3 largest online Dutch travel platforms,, celebrated Women’s Dive Day seeking adventure underwater.

Kiki Multem was hosted by Toucan Diving at Plaza Beach Resort in May of this year to become PADI Open Water Certified on Bonaire. Kiki blogged about her certification journey and experiences, that was published on July 15th, 2023 on and on her own online blog with a reach of over 25,000 unique monthly visitors, The new blog entry was also supported with a dedicated wall post on her Instagram @KikiMultem and @BonaireIsland. 

Lindsey van Loon, who is currently staying in Bonaire on an individual media visit, created a dedicated diving content for the largest online travel platform in the Netherlands, On International Women’s Dive Day, Lindsey joined a dedicated all female dive group with Buddy Dive Resort to Klein Bonaire and participated in coral reef restoration activities. She shared her experiences on Reishonger’s Instagram stories @Reishonger, as well on @BonaireIsland. The images and videos were captured by Casper Douma.

With these collaborations TCB hopes to encourage more female participation in scuba diving on Bonaire and around the world. 

To read about Kiki’s blog, visit: 

Boneiru Ta Selebra Dia Internashonal Di Buseo Pa Hende Muhe 1Boneiru Ta Selebra Dia Internashonal Di Buseo Pa Hende Muhe.2

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Bonaire Celebrates International Women’s Dive Day - Notisia 365 July 19, 2023 at 11:24 am

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