
Solange Tchong, spokesperson for AZV: AZV does not cover any incidents or accidents abroad. All travelers must purchase their own travel insurance

Vocero Di Azv

It’s the holiday season and many of us forget to insure ourselves first. Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering (AZV) believes that it is very important for everyone to be aware that AZV is only covered in Aruba and not abroad.

AZV spokeswoman Solange Tchong suggests that the best recommendation is for everyone who wants to travel to purchase travel insurance. The AZV law was introduced for medical care in Aruba only and not abroad. It is important for every insured to realize that when traveling, especially in this period when different parents buy their tickets for travel where they are going to visit different countries for holidays or to visit family abroad, it is extremely important to be able to buy travel insurance from any insurance company of one’s own taste.

Travel insurance covers the cost of emergency medical care, meaning that if something should happen, such as falling out of a taxi and falling and breaking a leg, the cost of foot treatment is covered by travel insurance.

Each insurance has its own rules and procedures that must be followed. AZV recommends that all travelers purchase insurance because in the event of an emergency, hospitalization can be very expensive. It is therefore advisable to have a travel insurance that covers the cost directly from the hospital abroad to the amount of the package purchased.

The AZV keeps providing information in this part, considering that there are still insurers who are not aware of this and AZV is called to cover the costs, but in such a case AZV cannot cover any external costs.

Currently, AZV receives two to three cases per year, yet a petition is filed with AZV because people traveled without travel insurance. According to AZV spokesperson Solange Tchong it is regrettable that AZV cannot cover the costs of accidents that occur outside.

In the first quarter of 2023, AZV had a case where a customer travelled to Europe and even though the person was insured with their travel insurance, they found themselves with very, very high expenses that surprised them and they contacted AZV, but unfortunately AZV could not do anything.

We shouldn’t ignore unexpected expenses because illness can strike unexpectedly at any time and sometimes even when we don’t want it to, especially during vacations where the thought of having fun was given.

AZV also noted that there are different companies that offer travel insurance with different options on different budgets. If you look at the true history of AZV a few years back, you would think that maybe this part could be a possibility for AZV to offer itself, but AZV had a study done and it proved that it would not be feasible for AZV to take on this responsibility, besides the huge responsibility that AZV already carries from the AZV fund which draws around 480 million to almost 500 million a year.

AZV chose to leave this area for commercial development. To date AZV does not offer travel insurance, however it is always recommended that the customer purchase the additional insurance at the time of traveling, but at the same time it is important that each insured person is well informed about the packages available.

There are various packages that even cover the loss of luggage and other components that may occur during the journey besides health. If an incident occurs abroad, AZV does not cover it, but as soon as you arrive in Aruba AZV will cover you and you will receive your treatment in Aruba as soon as you arrive in Aruba.

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