
Rubiella Toppenberg Preventive work at FADA Take a “ME TIME”: Because loneliness, fatigue, and stress feed into depression

Rubiella Toppenberg

Often those who retire in the first month are very self-satisfied, but after a few months they are unemployed, even after many years of work they are still unemployed. Depression plays a huge role in this process, but loneliness also plays a role.

Loneliness is a serious mental health problem that can lead people to develop depression. Often when a person is working they have communication and the person is busy with many situations that are going on around them, which is definitely a good thing. However, as they retire they are often alone at home and their children work eight hours a day and they don’t always get the chance to visit their parents, but FADA’s preventive worker Rubiella Toppenberg believes we should be more aware that loneliness is a cruel thing to live with, and at the same time loneliness itself can become depressing.

According to Rubiella Toppenberg of FADA a person who retires often at home has no one to talk to all day, if he has a partner they communicate, but if he has no partner he is almost all day alone. FADA is great for people who are looking for motivational tips, FADA helps them to look further and find out all the things a retired person can do to distract their mind.

But we have to pause and realize that time for ourselves is very important, we are mothers, fathers, workers who work eight hours a day and when we get home we still have to deal with families who can say that it’s 24 hours busy and it’s only when we go to sleep that the person is quiet.

It is often important for each person to give himself a moment of silence to see what he can do for himself. What do I feel, if the pain I feel is gone but I still feel this, knowing yourself, knowing your body, knowing what you are. We often neglect ourselves and so in an “ME TIME” we can take a moment to write or remember all the things that bother you and what to do.

However we are blessed in Aruba, Aruba is an island surrounded by a sea of pornography, many of our tourists pay a lot of money to come to the beaches and everything we have and even here we don’t use it for our own health or a “ME TIME”. These are all places where we can help prevent developing mental illness. Loneliness, fatigue, and stress can feed depression.

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