
Bringing happiness to every household

Bringing Happiness To Every Household.1

Ms. Sahaira Bloem was inspired by a booklet given to her by the Port Captain of the M.V. Freewinds, Mr. Ken Weber, containing a route to happiness. After reading “The Way to Happiness” booklet, a common sense guide to better living, Ms. Bloem decided that it was her duty to share these steps toward a better life with the people of her beloved Curacao. In these confusing current times where often morals seem to be reversed, Ms. Bloem traversed the streets of Boka Sami bringing this guide to every household giving her neighbors a way to achieve a higher state of happiness.

The Way to Happiness booklet contains 21 moral precepts such as “Take Care of Yourself”, “Love and Help Children” and “Set a Good example”. During the Sami Sail event Ms. Bloem, along with the help of some friends, distributed more than 1,700 booklets bringing a smile to the faces of many. The gratitude she received from the citizens motivated her to work even harder. With some help from the local football teams and other friends she was able to deliver a booklet to each family of the stunning Boka Sami.

“I wanted every house of Boka Sami to have a booklet. Everyone is seeking happiness but even more important each one of us can create happiness. We decided we are going to take charge of bringing more happiness to the houses of Curacao! Thank you to the Freewinds for supporting us and being always very close to us!”

For more information on the Way to Happiness visit the website

Bringing Happiness To Every HouseholdBringing Happiness To Every Household 1

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Bringing happiness to every household - Notisia 365 June 6, 2023 at 12:25 am

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