
Misha Raymond Delegation of Aruba IPKO in the Netherlands: Jorien Wuite of D 66 came up with a motion to start the royal conference again

Misha Raymond Delegacion Di Aruba Ipko

The topic of slavery was not left out at the IPKO meeting in the Netherlands, according to Misha Raymond (RAIZ) of Aruba’s delegation in the Netherlands, two people gave presentations of a museum in the Netherlands that will be introduced probably in 2028-2029.

He explains what the museum is about and what the focus of the slavery museum is. However, what is striking is that the Netherlands focuses on the role of the Netherlands in the era of slavery in the Caribbean, but the Netherlands played a very large role in 40 countries in the world when it comes to slavery.

However, it was rumored that there would be the option of more Dutch roles in slavery in other countries as well. According to Misha Raymond, not to undermine the responsibility that the Netherlands must take for their role in the slavery era and not to make it seem that only the islands in the Caribbean were at the foot of slavery, but there were many countries other than the Netherlands that played a big role in it.
The days and meetings were long, but it was also noticeable that more and more islands came to hear and understand each other where the pain was. However, before the IPKO meetings began, there were tripartite meetings where all the islands sat together and discussed a time frame on which each island would stand.

Another issue that also came up was the royal conference with Jorien Wuite of the D66 party who came forward and presented a motion to bring it up again. As for the kingkrijks conferences, it means that the governors meet each other and exchange ideas and ideas and the role of the parliament is to have a greater view and participate in these meetings to be aware of the ideas of the governors of the countries.

However, from Aruba, the interest is to know how this will be more concrete to ensure that the work and role as a parliamentarian/parliamentary remain secure in this process. According to Misha Raymond the discussions were good discussions and will bring these discussions also in the next IPKO which will take place in Aruba in early 2024.

However, the discussion of geschillenregeling was not on the agenda, and this meeting was not attended in this IPKO. However, the last meeting was on geschillenregeling where the parliaments met on it and Aruba is in charge of coming up with a result, but opinions on this point still need to come before handing over to the Netherlands to take part in IPKO discussions. The parliaments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands have work to do before geschillenregeling reaches the IPKO table with the Netherlands.

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