
During the meeting Cost of Living was published: Minister Maduro explains in small talk how Mike Eman created the growing poverty in Aruba


The debt is pressing on Aruba’s large and small portfolios

During a public meeting on the Cost of Living, Finance Minister Maduro explained that Mike Eman was the Prime Minister of Aruba who created the growing poverty in Aruba today. 

Minister Maduro pointed out in his dissertation that when our Mike Eman talks about the cost of living, this former president should put a mirror in front of him, because he is the author of poverty. The place our people live in is the result of Mike Eman’s devastating management, so God save Aruba from being led back by Mike Eman, because this place will be lost. 

Mike Love knew full well what the consequences of his foolishness and wasteful spending would be. Mike ignored all the reports of international and local bodies such as Raad van Advies, Central Bank, Fitch, Standard & Poor’s, International Monetary Fund, Mehran Report, etc. that made Mike change the course of the huge debt he had brought to Aruba. 

Mike Eman doubled Aruba’s debt, created deficits never seen before that affected our country’s economic growth, according to words expressed by the President of the Central Bank of Aruba in 2010. All of this is now causing poverty in Aruba. It is the debt that Mike Eman has earned that is locally precious to Aruba’s large public finance portfolio and the small portfolio of the Pueblo. 

In the KB of July 11, 2014 that Mike Eman came from the Netherlands for bad governance, Minister Maduro explained that the Netherlands interfered to prevent the financial situation of Aruba from getting worse. Mike Eman technically bankrupted Aruba. 

Today people have to pay for the debt that Mike Eman has earned. In 2022, we must pay a sum of 253 million florins in interest. If we consider that there are 250 working days a year, this means that every day our people have to work to pay 1 million florins in interest for the mismanagement of Mike Eman. While Mike Eman sleeps, each worker, man and woman, works to pay a million florins a day which is 125 thousand florins for every hour of work that is given to pay the interest costs on Mike’s debt. Mike Love himself didn’t worry, he doesn’t give a damn. Whereas interest expenses in 2008 were still an expense of 100 million florins, today in 2022 thanks to Mike Eman, they have increased by more than 100 million to 253 million florins. 

Minister Maduro stressed that Mike Eman has shown that he cannot run our country. Mike couldn’t run his company and these days it seems that Mike can’t run his party either. On several occasions, Mike Eman was accused of causing serious problems for the people because of the debts he earned, but Mike Eman traveled the world without worrying about anything. Today when Mike Eman wants to talk about the cost of living and poverty in Aruba, Mike and the People should remember that poverty in our country has a name and a name, Mike Eman. It is the duty of Mike Eman to be local that is the source of growing poverty and this is a reality that everyone needs to be aware of. 



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