
Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes will have key decisions to make in DIP (Amtenaar of the People of Aruba)


Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes, after receiving the verdict in the Avestruz case, deposing Kukwisa and also looking at the Flamingo case as nothing, the president began to take action. Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes is known to take action to improve the departments under her administration when things go wrong and irregular.

In this case it is the Department of Infrastructure and Planning (DIP) that will have several actions to take to restructure the DIP department. As you know, there have been several irregularities, but not all irregularities are punishable, but actions that hinder the progress of the country.
The time has come for the DIP department to get its real attention and pause for a moment to make key and important decisions for Aruba to continue to progress. The first person to receive his letter was Mr. Maduro was in charge of the land department which followed all the instructions given by Haime Croes, this gives the space that the relationship and trust between Haime Maduro and Mario Maduro is very close.

In addition to working together, Mario Maduro’s son lives with Mr. Haime Croes, who manages a foster child for himself, and also works at DIP. This illustrates the relationship of family, friends who work together in government organizations and in key positions to give and grant land leases in the country of Aruba. The responsibility of Mr. Mario Maduro was very big where practically his person was giving orders on where and who gets the land of Aruba.

Looking at all the developments that are taking place and the various investigations that are going on gives the minister concerned and the department the space now to restructure the department so that the DIP department can function as it should.
It is unfortunate that this kind of situation happens in Aruba, but if you have to see good cases like this, it does not only happen in government departments, but also in politics. You see how new politicians are looking for ways to come up with new political visions, innovative ideas, people who are capable of leading a country, but who don’t have the space.

Today we can see that a Prime Minister is taking action and has taken a very important decision practically where two years ago as Minister of Infrastructure he gave a mandate to DIP and it was in the hands of the director Haime Croes.
The highest representative of the country of Aruba has given the director the mandate to manage the DIP department in accordance with the law so that decisions can be taken on behalf of the minister but in accordance with the policies and laws of Aruba. However, today we can see that for two years this was not possible considering that it is clear that the director of DIP Haime Croes made very bad decisions for the country of Aruba but also lied in various aspects, not only lied to the public ministry, but also called several traders suspects in a way that does not match the truth, and also used power around the trader to harm his family which caused emotional, but also economic damage to the trader and family.
Banks also began to come under suspicion when Haime Croes was able to talk around insinuating and deceivingly calling merchants suspicious when they were not and thus harming merchants, an act purposely designed to harm the country’s local Arubian merchants.

Today the truth came out where Haime is a suspect where he was operating, managing and carrying out the mandate given by the minister of infrastructure believing that he is a person of integrity and working according to the LMA managing the DIP department for the good of Aruba. Today we can see the disaster that Haime Croes has caused in the DIP with his lies and today the truth came out. EA News the platform you can trust has been reporting this since its inception on several occasions as different marketers have approached EA News with their pain and despair over what is happening in DIP.
Today we can see that actions have begun to take place and Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes no longer tolerates the lack of respect that is taking place in government departments for the people of Aruba.
Actions were initiated to launch a fresh DIP department with a vision and goals to serve the country in its best form as a whole, which is what the people of Aruba deserve.

It’s not that long ago, but people and businesses have been calling for action, but they couldn’t see all the investigations that were going on in DIP, but now that it’s clear that action has begun and it’s in place. In addition to all this, it is clear that Haime Croes has violated the mandate he received from Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes, this is evident.

However, the golden question remains what will really happen to the untrustworthy public servant Haime Croes, who is capable of making a complete disaster out of a department, who is capable of smearing honest businessmen, who is capable of lying to another minister, who is capable of indoctrinating his workers.
It is a matter of carrying out an operation in a department that harms the entire community of Aruba, now what will the Prime Minister do?, is a very big question, given that an ambtenaer of this rank will no longer have confidence in him and will not be able to work in any government department as head.
However, what will make ten demands and Aruba will have to pay a salary? Or leave and withdraw completely from the government apparatus and no longer be an ambtenaer?

It is very important for the people to know whether Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes will make a fair decision for the people of Aruba, whether she will send Haime Croes home and the people of Aruba will remain silent despite all the damage he has done to the people of Aruba, the government apparatus and the business community, or whether she will actually make the decision to leave as an ambtenaar and where he can never harm the people of Aruba again. This development is certainly an interesting one considering all the damage caused and that it is the people of Aruba who will have to pay once again for the actions and decisions of those in high and key positions in Aruba.

As for Mario Maduro, he received his letter and implemented a disciplinary action against him, the consequence of which is that he has to give up and wait to see what his future situation will be.

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