
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

oday is Yom Hashoa (Holocaust Memorial Day), a day where Jewish Communities around  the world gathers to honor the lives of those who perished and those who survived the  Holocaust. On this day we reflect and remember the genocide of SIX MILLION Jews by  Nazi occupied Germany.

Each year, especially on this day we recommit to the pledge of NEVER AGAIN. However,  we sadly still witness horrors inflicted on innocent civilians. However, Yom Hashoa serves  as a cautionary reminder that we have the moral obligation to take action against such atrocities wherever they may occur.

The Jewish Community of Aruba, Beth Israel Synagogue gathered to honor and remember  the victims and the survivors by having a memorial service in their honor. During the  service six candles were lit, each of them symbolizing one million Jewish souls lost.

The candles were lit by different members and guests of Beth Israel Synagogue. The first  candle was lit by one of the eldest members of our Congregation, and the last candle was  lit by one of the youngest members of the Congregation, representing the future and  continuity the Jewish people.

May the memories of the victims of the Holocaust be a blessing, as we pray for peace,  respect and equality, which is needed more than ever in a period where antisemitism is  on the rise again.

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