
The HGGH project offers a workshop on the vulnerability of an adult


The HGGH project during February and March offered a series of 7 workshops on the topic of Vulnerability of an Older Adult which ended last Thursday.
Close. Rosa Leon, “Gerontologist”, coordinator of the HGGH Project (under the auspices of the Movement is Life Foundation) together with Ms. Madelyne Ridderstap, “Begeleidingskundige” at the Department of Social Affairs was the facilitator during the workshop. It focused on primary topics as well as secondary topics, but certainly not the least important ones.

Various representatives of those who work with older adults were present at this workshop, e.g. Care Homes, FAVI, Dagopvang, children with dependent parents, representatives of the 60+ Group, workers of a Home for “special” elderly and a Welzijnsconsulent. It’s fair to say that all participants left home with a suitcase full of information, which will certainly be of great value to their work with our elders. On the last day, all participants had to compile a poster that reproduced all the vocabulary they had learned during the previous seven weeks. The participants were very happy to be able to reflect together on the work with older adults, as the opportunities to receive specific information on these topics are very scarce in Aruba.

Thanks to the Movement is Life Foundation, Cede Aruba, Samenwerkende Fondsen, Department of Social Affairs and the Huntto Grandi Grandi Huntto Project for making the workshop possible. Finally, all participants were individually thanked for their participation and received a certificate of participation.

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