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88% di e cantidad di pasaheronan cu a biaha for di Aruba na Augustus 2019 a wordo recupera den Augustus 2021


Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) ta raporta riba e prestacion di AUA Airport den Augustus 2021; un otro luna di recuperashon fuerte compara cu e mesun periodo na 2019. 

Na Augustus 2021, AUA Airport a procesa 99,093 pasahero cu a biaha for di Aruba. Esaki tabata 9% menos compara cu e luna anterior. Durante e ultimo luna AUA Airport a recupera 88% di e cantidad di pasaheronan cu a biaha for di Aruba den e mesun luna na 2019. Na Augustus 2021 80,571 pasahero a biaha pa Merca, 9,302 pasahero a biaha pa Europa, 3,387 pasahero a biaha pa Antiyas Hulandes, y 5,833 pasahero a biaha pa Latino America. 

Un averahe di e passenger load factor (PLF) na salida (cantidad di asiento ocupa en comparacion cu e cantidad total di asiento dispobibel abordo di un avion na momento di sali for di AUA Airport) pa e mercado Mericano di 87% a keda raporta den Augustus 2021, mientras cu e averahe di PLF pa tur mercado tabata 86% durante e mesun temporada (comparando cu 2019 unda e PLF averahe pa tur mercado tabata 85%). 

Durante e ultimo luna, AUA Airport a procesa un averahe di 29 buelo pa dia, esaki ta menos compata cu e averahe di 35 buelo pa dia durante e mesun temporada den 2019. Den e mesun temporada na 2020 AUA Airport a procesa solamente 218 buelo mientras cu e frontera a habri na Juli 2020 pa tur operacion comercial.





88% of August 2109 departing passengers recovered in August 2021

99,093 passengers departed in August 2021

Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) reports as follows on AUA Airport’s performance for August 2021; yet another strong month of recovery versus the same period in 2019. 

In August 2021, AUA Airport handled 99,093 departing passengers. This was 9% less than the month before. During the past month AUA Airport recovered 88% of the amount of departing passenger that were handled in 2019 during that same month. In August 2021 80,571 passengers (pax) travelled to the US, 9,302 pax to Europe, 3,387 pax to the Netherlands Antilles, and 5,833 pax to Latin America. 

An average outbound passenger load factor (PLF) (number of seats of the total seats on board an aircraft that are occupied when departing from AUA Airport) for the US Market of 87% was reported during the month of August 2021, while the average PLF for all markets was at 86% during that same period (in comparison to 2019 where an average PLF for all markets of 85% was reached). 

During the past month, AUA Airport averaged 29 flights per day, down from 35 daily flights during the same period in 2019. In that same period in 2020 we only handled a total amount of 218 flights whilst our national border re-opened in July of 2020 for all commercial operations.


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