
Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba y University of Aruba ta fortifica nan colaboracion

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Na aña 2017, Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) y Universidad di Aruba (UA) a firma un acuerdo di 3 aña pa asina establese un nivel di colaboracion y sondeo pa ambos organisacion. Desde 2017 por bisa cu a mira resultado di 15 investigacion combina cu eseñansa cual ta indica e importancia y balor encuanto investigacion y educacion ariba Aruba su naturalesa y areanan di reserva natural.

Hunto ambos organisacion a colabora den diferente presentacion, tayer, bishitanan educativo, symposium y sin laga afo e tesis riba un nivel di HBO. E ultimo desaroyonan pa cu e colaboracion entre FPNA y UA ta e desaroyo di un investigacion ariba nivel di doctorado unda cu e topico “the population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the southern Dutch Caribbean” cual ta lidera pa Diana Melville.


Ariba 1 di september ultimo, FPNA hunto cu UA a fortifica nan lasonan un bes mas pa asina colabora riba sondeo pa cu e maneho di naturalesa y conservacion, unda studiantenan, comunidad y bishitantenan por wordo educa ariba Aruba su naturalesa en general y particularmente nos areanan di reserva natural. E acuerdo akinan tin un duracion pa e proximo tres añanan y a resulta den dos presentacion caba cu e topiconan di ‘Principles of Sustainability’ y ‘Designing Visitors Experience’.

Akinan por mira e resultado di e prome acuerdo entre FPNA y UA entre 2017-2020:

SISSTEM 2020 : PhD research: Diana Melville: Population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the Southern Dutch Caribbean.

SISSTEM 2020: SISSTEM: Field Excursion Arikok (31 January 2020, organized by: PhD Kryss Facun).

UAUCU 2020: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Charlotte Mehlhart: The Ocean Paradox: Values Held by Resource Users in Aruba’s Fisheries.

OGM 2020: Student paper: Christle & Xenia Nieuw: The Effects of Off-Roading Tourism on Aruba.

AFY 2020: Fieldwork of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.

OGM 2019: Guest Lecture by FPNA, Giancarlo Nunes, on Aruba Nature Conservation.


UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Linde van de Graaf: Of People and Mangroves: illustrations of a social-ecological system.

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Mirre Stevens: Off-road driving and the ecosystem: An analysis of the impacts on landscape functionality.

AFY 2019: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.


UAUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Annemieke Drost: Coral Health and Citizen Science.


UACUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Emmeline Long: The impacts of oil contamination on the mangrove ecosystems of Aruba.


AFY 2018: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.

UAUCU 2017: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Rotem Silber: Assessment of endemic fauna in key biodiversity areas.

UAUCU 2017: Research project: Larisa Leeuwe: Environmental law: national and international perspectives.

AFY 2017: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.

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