
21st Annual Female Leadership Event in Curaçao: Female Leaders Volunteering

Lidernan Femenino Komo Boluntario

The 21st Annual Female Leadership Event in Curaçao since 2004, will take place again this year with a focus on Female Leaders Volunteering.

This topic was chosen to stand still on the fact that those women who succeed professionally or in any other way in life, understand that as they were given opportunities, it is important to give back to their communities.

Preparations are in full swing to have again an awesome experience for participants and with the dedication to have each one leaving fired up, with courage, and especially to be the best for themselves.

The reactions during these last 2 decades are the reason that these conferences and related events continued.

Initiator and organizer Reyna Joe explained that they are speaking at this moment with powerful keynote speakers to have them carry this year’s event.

‘And after 20 years it still is a challenge to excel with this one too. By creating this annual event we know that we contributed to having those who wanted, to benefit from the powerful speakers and presenters.’

The main event will be a one-day event on Friday, May 31, 2024.

It continues with a three-day retreat to go deeper into this year’s topic and to focus on the fact that developing and reaching goals makes you unstoppable. And the accent stays on not only taking but giving back to the community that helped you reach where you are today.

Every woman who knows that she deserves to be in an event that celebrates her and that also focuses on what more she can do to be better, is invited to be part of this experience.

This conference started in 2004 based on the stories and experiences of educated women.

These stories showed too many great women never being able to reach their full potential, which could give them the chance to be better in the companies they are in and understand the loss of people with great potential.

We do need in these challenging times to have more professionals who most of the time are also primary caregivers to be stable, professionally, emotionally, financially, and healthy.

This year we will again recognize an Outstanding Woman with an award as we have done 19x already and we will recognize for the 5th time a young ambitious person with the Margaret Star.

More information will be updated on our website https://www.reynajoe.com/ and also on our facebook page ‘About Female Leadership’ or contact us via aboutfemaleleadership@gmail.com.


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